Garden Ⓥizza

Suffering from a pizza addiction might sound harmless and fun to most. I will forever fight to maintain my pizza relapsing to a minimum. Pizza very much still exists in a Vegan aspect. Animals not being murdered or abused in the process of this pizza addiction help another relapse to be cerebral intensified calming. Eat yo (Vegan) Pizza (responsibly).

I tried Vegan dough in a can. Fresh dough is out of my patience/lifestyle these days. It was good and easy. Combination of a Veggie Pizza with a Margherita-style pizza was my concept of this deliciously edible pie.


The “sauce” was a small mixture of OliveOil/BalsamicVinegarette/ Sriracha/Oregano/RoastedGarlic.


Conspiracies of Capers, Spinach, TOFU, Shallot and thinly sliced Tomatoes were made aware with truths of Daiya and Basil.




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